Latinised Hymns

The Lord is King! lift up thy voice

The Lord is King! lift up thy voice,
O earth. and all ye heavens, rejoice;
From world to world the joy shall ring,
"The Lord omnipotent is King!"

The Lord is King! who then shall dare
Resist his will, distrust his care,
Or murmur at his just decrees,
Or doubt his royal promises?

He reigns! Ye saints, exalt your strains;
Your God is King, your Father reigns;
And he is at the Father's side,
The Man of love, the Crucified.

Alike pervaded by his eye
All parts of his dominion lie:
This world of ours and worlds unseen,
And thin the boundary between.

One Lord one empire all secures;
He reigns, and life and death are yours;
Through earth and heaven one song shall ring,
"The Lord omnipotent is King!"


Regnare Dominum canas,
tellus, et, aether, gaudeas!
Utroque mundo sit sonus:
"Est Rex Omnipotens Deus."

Regnanti num quis obstruet?
Parum curare quis putet?
Quis audet iniustum queri
oblitum aut polliciti?

Is regnat (sancti, psallite!);
regnatque cum Deo Patre,
sedens Parenti proximus,
amans Mactatus Filius.

Dei regnantis omnia
eidem sunt perspicua:
quod scimus regnum et latens,
nec limes amplus dividens.

Vos vitae, solus quod regit,
mortisque compotes facit;
terrae caelique erit sonus:
"Est Rex Omnipotens Deus!"

MM 26.3–4.4.00