Latinised Hymns

Come, O thou Traveller unknown

Come, O thou Traveller unknown,
Whom still I hold, but cannot see;
My company before is gone,
And I am left alone with thee;
With thee all night I mean to stay,
And wrestle till the break of day.

I need not tell thee who I am,
My misery or sin declare;
Thyself hast called me by my name;
Look on my hands, and read it there!
But who, I ask thee, who art thou?
Tell me thy Name, and tell me now.

In vain thou strugglest to get free;
I never will unloose my hold.
Art thou the Man that died for me?
The secret of thy love unfold:
Wrestling, I will not let thee go,
Till I thy Name, thy nature know.

Yield to me now, for I am weak,
But confident in self-despair;
Speak to my heart, in blessings speak,
Be conquered by my instant prayer.
Speak, or thou never hence shalt move,
And tell me if thy Name is Love?

'Tis Love! 'tis Love! thou diedst for me!
I hear thy whisper in my heart!
The morning breaks, the shadows flee;
Pure universal Love thou art;
To me. to all, thy mercies move;
Thy nature and thy Name is Love.

C.Wesley (see Genesis 32.2430)

Viator parum cognite,
quem prensum male video,
misso meorum agmine
tecum relictus en! ego,
hic pernoctare destinans,
ad lucem usque dimicans.

Num quis sim dicere est opus,
luctum culpamque pandere?
Legas meis in manibus;
tu me vocasti nomine.
Tuum sed nomen nuncupa.
Quis es tu? Dic, neu sit mora.

Frustra conere solui:
non me laxare facias.
Tune ille mortuus mihi?
Arcana amoris detegas.
Luctabor, neque desinam
dum quis et qualis es sciam.

Concede: ego sum aeger, at
fert desperatio fidem;
cor te beantem audiat,
et, te precatus, impetrem.
Hic usque ni mansurus es,
dicas: Amor-ne tu clues?

Amor clues! Cordique te
susurras mihi mortuum.
Fit lux, fugantur tenebrae.
Quot sunt Amator hominum,
mihi cunctisque mitis es;
Amor tu, quod et es, clues.

MM 24.5–3.6.00