Almighty Father, Lord most high,
Almighty Father, Lord most high, Who madest all, who fillest all, Thy name we praise and magnify, For all our needs on thee we call. We offer to thee of thine own Ourselves and all that we can bring, In Bread and Cup before thee shown, Our universal offering. A11 that we have we bring to thee, Yet all is naught when all is done, Save that in it thy love can see The Sacrifice of thy dear Son. By his command in Bread and Cup His Body and his Blood we plead: That on the Cross he offered up is here our Sacrifice indeed. For all thy gifts of life and grace, Here we thy servants humbly pray That thou would'st look upon the face of thine anointed Son to-day. |
Omnipotens Pater Deus, ut nos creasti, sic reples; tibi, quem laude tollimus, egeni fundimus preces. Offerimus tibi tuum, nos et quod ferre possumus tuum(st) cum Pane Poculum oblatum hic ab omnibus. Quodcumque nostrum est habes sed id valebit minimum et solum quatenus vides Mactatum ibi Filium. Panem Vinumque porgere, Corpus Cruorem, docuit is ipse qui cum in Cruce tum hic se Victimam dedit. Qui vitam gratiamque das, nos nunc satellites tui oramus ut inspicias hic uncti vultum Filii. |