Latinised Hymns

Master, speak! Thy servant heareth

Master, speak! Thy servant heareth,
Waiting for thy gracious word,
Longing for the voice that cheereth;
Master, let it now be heard.
I am listening, Lord, for thee;
What hast thou to say to me?

Speak to me by name, O Master!
Let me know it is to me;
Speak, that I may follow faster,
With a step more firm and free,
Where the Shepherd leads the flock
In the shadow of the rock.

Master, speak! Though least and lowest,
Let me not unheard depart;
Master, speak! For O thou knowest
All the yearning of my heart;
Knowest all its truest need;
Speak, and make me blest indeed.

Master, speak! And make me ready,
When thy voice is truly heard,
With obedience glad and steady
Still to follow every word,
I am listening. Lord, to thee;
Master, speak, O speak to me!


Dic, Magister, auscultanti
et manenti. servulo;
ista vox desideranti
audiatur ilico;
audituro te mihi
ecquid est quod vis loqui.

Sim, Magister, nominatus:
me vocari sic sciam;
citius sequar vocatus
gnaviusque semitam,
oves Pastor qua regit,
saxum quibus umbra sit.

Dic, licetque sim spernendus
hinc ne spretus iverim;
es, Magister, haud docendus
quid largiri te velim;
cordis haud ignarus es:
dic, ut maxime bees.

Dic, et redde me volentem
voce vere cognita
firmiter oboedientem
iussa facere omnia;
audienti te mihi
ne nolueris loqui.

MM 22.11–5.12.01