O help us, Lord! each hour of need
O help us, Lord! each hour of need Thy heavenly succour give; Help us in thought and word and deed Each hour on earth we live. O help us, when our spirits bleed With contrite anguish sore; And when our hearts are cold and dead, O help us, Lord, the more. O help us, through the power of faith More firmly to believe; For still the more thy servant hath, The more shall he receive. If strangers to thy fold we call Imploring at thy feet The crumbs that from thy table fall, 'Tis all we dare entreat. But be it, Lord of Mercy, all, So thou wilt grant but this: The crumbs that from thy table fall Are light, and life, and bliss. O help us, Jesu, from on high; We know no help but thee: O help us so to live and die As thine in heaven to be. |
Succurre nostris, O Deus, quando necesse erit, cum mente et voce manibus, dum nobis vita sit. Succurre diro vulneri contriti pectoris; sed cordium torpedini succurrito magis. Ut confidatur firmius, succurre; nam tuis donantur plus habentibus et plura famulis. Te nos oramus advenae ut mendicantibus fragmenta des dapis tuae; nil ultra poscimus. Nil ultra, dum tu hoc dabis (nam clemens cor tuum) fragmenta sint eius dapis lux vita gaudium. Succurre, Jesu, subveni (num est ops alia?); defuncti vita sic tui vocabimur supra. |