Our Lord, his passion ended
Our Lord, his passion ended, hath gloriously ascended, yet though from him divided, he leaves us not unguided; all his benefits to crown he hath sent his Spirit down, burning like a flame of fire his disciples to inspire. God's Spirit is directing; no more they sit expecting; but forth to all the nation they go with exultation; that which God in them hath wrought fills their life and soul and thought; so their witness now can do work as great in others too. The centuries go gliding, but still we have abiding with us that Spirit Holy to make us brave and lowly – lowly, for we feel our need: God alone is strong indeed; brave, for with the Spirit's aid we can venture unafraid. O Lord of every nation, fill us with inspiration! We know our own unfitness, yet for thee would bear witness. By thy Spirit now we raise to the heavenly Father praise: Holy Spirit, Father, Son, Make us know thee, ever One. |
Iam Christus ab infernis est redditus supernis, nec eum nos videmus, sed duce non caremus; quippe donum ultimum deorsum misit Spiritum, flammae more qui suos ureret discipulos. Iam non opperiuntur, sed Spiritu reguntur; per populum vagantes feruntur exsultantes, plenis eo quod Deus fecit intra cordibus; nec minus quam passi sunt testes ipsi faciunt. Habemus hunc durantem et saecla permeantem, ut idem summittentes fiamus et valentes: quippe sumus pauperes praeque Deo humiles, idem omne possumus, adiuvat si Spiritus. Qui regis omnes gentes, nostras inspira mentes; nos male dignos scimus, qui testes tibi simus; sed (nam pellit Spiritus) Patrem nunc extollimus; unum usque, Trinitas, nos te scire facias. |