Rejoice, O land, in God thy might
Rejoice, O land, in God thy might, his will obey, him serve aright; for thee the saints uplift their voice: fear not, O land, in God rejoice. Glad shalt thou be, with blessing crowned, with joy and peace thou shalt abound; yea, love with thee shall make his home until thou see God's kingdom come. He shall forgive thy sins untold: remember thou his love of old; walk in his way, his word adore, and keep his truth for evermore. |
O terra, gaudeas Deo, oboediens imperio. Sanctorum audis nenias: confisa Deo gaudeas! Beata delectaberis et pace te circumdabis; sedebit tecum caritas dum regnum Dei videas. Peccanti veniam dabit: nonne olim is amor fuit? Fac eius iussa sint rata et veritas perpetua. |