Sleepers, wake! the watch-cry pealeth
Sleepers, wake! the watch-cry pealeth, While slumber deep each eyelid sealeth: Awake, Jerusalem, awake! Midnight's solemn hour is tolling, And seraph-notes are onward rolling; They call on us our part to take. Come forth, ye virgins wise: The Bridegroom comes, arise! Alleluia! Each lamp be bright With ready light To grace the marriage feast to-night. Zion hears the voice that singeth, With sudden joys her glad heart springeth, At once she wakes, she stands arrayed: Her Light is come, her Star ascending, Lo, girt with truth, with mercy blending, Her Bridegroom there, so long delayed. All hail! God's glorious Son, All hail! our joy and crown, Alleluia! The joyful call We answer all, And follow to the bridal hall. Praise to him who goes before us! Let men and angels join in chorus, Let harp and cymbal add their sound. Twelve the gates, a pearl each portal; We haste to join the choir immortal Within the Holy City's bound. Ear ne'er heard aught like this, Nor heart conceived such bliss. Alleluia! We raise the song, We swell the throng, To praise thee ages all along. |
Vigil "Eia, qui dormitis," exclamat, "experrecti sitis!" Urbs Zion, expergiscere! Media en noctis hora! Cantantium resplendent ora; prudentes nunc attendite ancillae! Clamor it: "Maritus advenit!" Alleluia! Nunc lampadas parate eas ad nuptiales epulas. Vigilem Zion auscultat, et auscultantis cor exultat, en! experrecta prosilit, gratia dum roboratus de caelo properat Amatus; se sidus fulgens erigit. Corona nunc veni tu Filius Dei. Hosanna! Hinc nos ages et comites et prandii participes. Laus tibi cantetur usque ab angelis hominibusque cum cymbalis et fidibus. Bis sex Urbi margaritae dant portas; nos et angeli te supra sedentem cingimus. Nil oculis subit, nil auris audiit tam iucundum. Io! lo! perpetuo sumus in dulci iubilo! (I followed the German version rather than the English) |