Latinised Hymns

Songs of thankfulness and praise

Songs of thankfulness and praise,
Jesu, Lord, to thee we raise,
Manifested by the star
To the sages from afar;
Branch of royal David's stem
In thy birth at Bethlehem:
Anthems be to thee addrest,
God in Man made manifest.

Manifest at Jordan's stream,
Prophet, Priest and King supreme;
And at Cana wedding-guest -
In thy Godhead manifest,
Manifest in power divine,
Changing water into wine:
Anthems be to thee addrest,
God in Man made manifest.

Manifest in making whole
Palsied limbs and fainting soul;
Manifest in valiant fight,
Quelling all the devil's might;
Manifest in gracious will,
Ever bringing good from ill:
Anthems be to thee addrest,
God in Man made manifest.

Sun and moon shall darkened be,
Stars shall fall, the heavens shall flee;
Christ will then like lightning shine,
All will see his glorious sign;
All will then the trumpet hear,
All will see the Judge appear:
Thou by all wilt be confest,
God in Man made manifest.

Grant us grace to see thee, Lord,
Mirrored in thy holy word;
May we imitate thee now,
And be pure, as pure art thou;
That we like to thee may be
At thy great Epiphany;
And may praise thee, ever blest,
God in Man made manifest.


Gratias cum laudibus
tibi, Iesu, ferimus,
fecit quem exoticis
stella cognitum Magis,
rame stirpis regiae
luci Bethlehem date,
dignus Homo cantibus,
Deus idem cognitus.

Es Jordani fluctibus
Rex Propheta cognitus
cognitusque Canicis
numinosus nuptiis,
esse lympha quem Deum
versa testis in merum,
dignus Homo cantibus,
Deus idem cognitus.

Membris atque mentibus
confortandis cognitus,
cognitusque strenue
resistendo Satanae,
comiter qui traxeris
bona semper e malis,
dignus Homo cantibus,
Deus idem cognitus.

Cum caelorum lumina
occulentur omnia,
modo, Christe, fulguris
signum gentibus dabis:
omnes audient tubam,
iudex ut fies palam;
apparebis omnibus
Homo Deus agnitus.

In scripturis, Domine,
fac te nos discernere,
et cum puritate da
imitari te tua,
Ut, cum sis Epiphanes,
simus tui similes
sisque nostris laudibus
Homo Deus agnitus.

MM 16–23.1.00