Thine for ever! God of love
Thine for ever! God of love, hear us from thy throne above; thine for ever may we be here and in eternity. Thine for ever! Lord of life, shield us through our earthly strife; thou, the Life, the Truth, the Way, guide us to the realms of day. Thine for ever! O how blest they who find in thee their rest! Saviour, Guardian, heavenly Friend, O defend us to the end. Thine for ever! Saviour, keep these thy frail and trembling sheep, safe alone beneath thy care, let us all thy goodness share. Thine for ever! Thou our Guide, all our wants by thee supplied, all our sins by thee forgiven, lead us, Lord, from earth to heaven. |
Tui semper! Quos amas, e throno nos audias; nunc et tu dum es, Deus, tui semper erimus. Tui semper! Vivere das: viventes protege. Vita, Veritas, Via, ad diei duc loca. Tui semper! Est bonum. quod tu porgis, otium. Vindex, custos et comes, nos fac usque sospites. Tui semper! Pastor es: pasce tremulas ovcs; tutos coram te tua bonitate nos bea. Tui semper! Te duce, dante possidenda te, sint soluta crimina; nos et ad caelum voca. |