Christ, who knows all his sheep
Christ, who knows all his sheep, Will all in safety keep: He will not lose one soul, Nor ever fail us: Nor we the promised goal, Whate'er assail us. We know our God is just; To him we wholly trust; All that we have and claim, And all we hope for: All's sure and seen to him, Which here we grope for. Fear not the world of light, Though out of mortal sight; There shall we know God more, Where all is holy: There is no grief or care, No sin or folly. O blessed company, there all in harmony God's joyous praises sing, In love unceasing; and all obey their King, With perfect pleasing. |
Oves qui bene scit omnes servaverit; neque deficiet gregem capessens; nil nobis obstruet metam lacessens. Est iustus Dominus, eique credimus quod nobis propriumst et quod sectamur; illi perspicuumst quod hic scrutamur. Quod parum videas, ne lucida tremas; qua sancta sunt, magis Deum cognoris: nil ibi sceleris, nil est doloris. Est beatissima ea concordia, qua Dominum canunt semper colentes et iussa faciunt valde placentes. |